SHE CHOSE. Introducing Emily

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Emily’s Story.

I get so infuriated when I drive to work and see people out there protesting against abortion.
It makes me absolutely livid. He doesn’t have
a vagina! How can anyone have a strong opinion on something they could never understand?

I was living out of home and was in denial until
I realised my pregnancy was real. I had no money.
I was poor. I didn’t really have a strong relationship with my mum or dad. I still felt quite young and I was definitely terrified by the thought of having a child. Every cell of me said, “No, this is not the right time.”

My mum came to my initial scan and I was too terrified to share with her what I really wanted to do. Behind the scenes I was frantically researching what I could do and then I found out it was beyond 21 weeks and didn’t think I had any other option.
I was shit scared and didn’t realise that in different states, I could still get a termination. I ended up telling my dad, because I didn’t have any other options. He was amazing—he and my stepmother paid for everything and flew me down to Victoria where I could have a late-term abortion. We stayed in a pretty little place outside of Melbourne, and they made the situation a lot more comfortable than it could’ve been.

The abortion itself was pretty ugly. It was at a private clinic and was a three-day procedure. On the first day they drain the fluid and you have to take medication so that your uterus expands and your body thinks you’re going into labour.

That was excruciating—I’d never felt pain like that. But then it was over.

A couple of months following the termination, I was interstate and my dad called and said, “You need to come back to Brisbane immediately,” insisting that I drive back. When I got back, I found out that the anaesthetist at the clinic I’d been to, had been injecting young girls with H.I.V—his own blood. It was all over the news. A handful of girls ended up getting infected. But I didn’t.

I didn’t feel any animosity from any males.
My dad was so supportive and my partner and his family were also supportive. After the procedure, my dad told me, “A life might have been lost today, but a life was gained.” From then on, I decided to just do everything I always wanted and to make the most of my life. I think it was actually a great thing to happen to me, because it made me strive for more. And I know that one day, I will be a great mum.

Women should have complete freedom over their own bodies. There’s not a shortage of children in the world, and there are so many problems. So many children are denied basic healthcare, access to clean water, food and education. If you’re pro-life, wouldn’t you put all of your energy into eradicating those issues?

It’s important for women to feel comfortable discussing these sorts of things. Many people have gone through something, whether they’ve had an abortion themselves or used emergency contraception; or their sister or friend has gone through something. It affects every single one of us. It’s important to discuss it, make it normal, and show the beauty and the strength in all of this.

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If you have a personal story or find SHE CHOSE. inspiring I’d love to hear from you. You can leave comments below. Stay tuned for the next instalment where I’ll be introducing Kerry.

Thanks for visiting and reading about a project I have been truly passionate about!

G x