SHE CHOSE. Introducing Kate

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Kate’s Story.

I think people fear what they don’t know. They don’t understand what women go through to make that decision. I’m pro-choice. I’ve never had an abortion but I’ve supported close friends who have gone through abortions. They just haven’t been in the best situation to have a baby. I’m so supportive of their decisions. It’s your body, and you alone should have the choice on what you want to do.

I think people fear what they don’t know, and they don’t understand what women go through to make that decision. It’s not an easy decision to make. I still have friends that travel with it. But they don’t regret their decision. They would be in a totally different life circumstance if they’d gone through with having the child. One of my good friends had an abortion at a young age but has since gone on to get married and have two kids. She struggles with the fact she did have to make that decision but says she wouldn’t change a thing because she now has two beautiful kids that she was ready for.

My mother and father have always empowered me to make my own opinion on things. But they’ve also taught me to not judge and to not make an opinion on a topic that I don’t know anything about. You can’t sit back and judge what someone is doing or what they’ve done if you don’t know anything about them.

I think we need to see more women in power. It’s pretty outrageous that in this day and age, people are still debating that women can’t make this decision for themselves.

There also needs to be more awareness and education on reproductive rights, considering what’s going on at the moment in America.

I think people could be more educated about abortions and the emergency contraceptive. If someone has chosen that for themselves, then I think good on them. It should be 100% in their hands and not in anybody else’s.

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If you have a personal story or find SHE CHOSE. inspiring I’d love to hear from you. You can leave comments below. Stay tuned for the next instalment where I’ll be introducing Kristen.

Thanks for visiting and reading about a project I have been truly passionate about!

G x

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