SHE CHOSE. Introducing Ben

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Ben’s Story.

“I always wanted to be a Gynaecologist. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to work with women. I practice gynaecology, deliver babies and help couples conceive.”

“I talk to women about really personal stuff all day, every day. In the space of half an hour,
a gynaecologist has to make someone feel comfortable enough to share personal things they’ve probably never talked to anyone about, not even their partners. I go from being a strange face—to someone that they can confide in.”

“When I was at university, it was drummed into us that if you don’t agree with abortion, it’s not your job to tell that to the patient. Not every practitioner has to perform terminations, but they cannot influence women either way, and have to offer the contact details of someone who can help them further.”

“They’ve changed the termination laws in Queensland last year. It’s been decriminalised and women can now have a termination, without needing to disclose the specific reason, up until 22 weeks. The situation was ridiculous up until then, and it’s still not right in many states.”

“I am personally very pro-choice. I’ve referred women to have abortions many times. I had a lovely patient—and I’ve since delivered two of her babies. I met her around the time of her first pregnancy, and at her 13-week scan, we discovered the baby essentially had no brain. People think that when you do genetic or down syndrome tests, those are the only abnormalities out there. But the fact is, there are a whole lot of different things that can happen.”

“Women should have the right to do what they want with their body. It’s not a question. It’s a given. I can’t think any other way. I get very angry when I drive past termination clinics and see people outside who are carrying placards, who make women at their most vulnerable time feel guilty for accessing that service.”

“I don’t think there is any question, before the point of conception, that men and women have equal rights over their gametes, the sperm and eggs. After conception, to me it’s just part of nature that women should have the right to decide. I feel strongly that it is always the woman’s prerogative.”

“We have the abortion pill, which is a great step in the right direction, and it’s great that we have terminations easily accessible and affordable in Queensland. Now, women don’t always have to go through surgery. There are good things happening in the space, but I think what’s happened [in America] is not acceptable. I would never want that to happen here.”

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If you have a personal story or find SHE CHOSE. inspiring I’d love to hear from you. You can leave comments below. Stay tuned for the next instalment where I’ll be introducing Kristen.

Thanks for visiting and reading about a project I have been truly passionate about!

G x

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